Tips for golfing in Mathematica

Some built-in functions with long names can be replaced with shorter expressions.

For example:

  • Total => Tr
  • Transpose => Thread or \[Transpose]
  • True => 1<2
  • False => 1>2
  • Times => 1##&
  • Alternatives => $|##&
  • IntegerQ => ⌊#⌋==#&
  • a[[1]] => #&@@a
  • a[[All,1]] => #&@@@a
  • ConstantArray[a,n] => Array[a&,n] or Table[a,{n}]
  • Union@a => {}⋃a or a⋃a
  • ToExpression@n => FromDigits@n if n is a number
  • Divisible[n,m] => m∣n
  • FromDigits[n,2] => Fold[#+##&,n] if n is a list of 0s and 1s
  • Complex@z => {1,I}.z where z is a list of the form {x,y}

Tips below vary from the most economical to the most often used:

  1. Use Mathematica's high-level commands where possible, even bulky ones:

    • MorphologicalComponents: Code-Golf: Count Islands

    • Image manipulation capabilities: e.g. Today (September 24) is HONDA birthday

    • Subsets

    • IntegerPartitions

    • Distance and Similarity measures: e.g. EuclideanDistance can be a byte saver. Note however, that it's usually shorter to write Total@Abs[a-b] instead of a~ManhattanDistance~b and Max@Abs[a-b] instead of a~ChessboardDistance~b.

  2. Use Graphics and Text for Ascii art: e.g Star programming! and Build an analog clock

  3. Dedicated symbols:

    • logic and set operations symbols instead of their long form names: ⋂, ⋃, ∧, ∨

    • Map and Apply: /@, //@. @@, @@@

  4. Prefix and infix notation:

    • Print@"hello" in place of Print["hello"]

    • a~f~b in place of f[a,b]

  5. When a function is used only once, a pure function may economize a character or two.

  6. Joining strings in a list. ""<>{"a","b","c"} instead of StringJoin@{"a","b","c"}

  7. Exploit listable functions. The longer the lists the better.

    {a, b, c} + {x, y, z}= {a+x, b+y, c+z}

    {2, 3, 4} {5, 6, 7}= {10, 18, 28}

    {{a, b}, {c, d}}^{2, 3} = {{a^2, b^2}, {c^3, d^3}}

Lists with repeated values

This is quite a common vector to work with:


It turns out this can be shortened by a byte:


Even more bytes are saved if the vector is longer than two zeros. This can also be used to initialise zero matrices, e.g. the following gives a 2x2 matrix of zeros:


This can also be used for non-zero values if they're sufficiently large or sufficiently many or negative. Compare the following pairs:


But remember that starting at 6 values, you're better off with 1~Table~6 in this case (potentially earlier, depending on precedence requirements).

The reason this works is that , introduces two arguments to the list, but omitted arguments (anywhere in Mathematica) are implicit Nulls. Furthermore, multiplication is Listable, and 0*x is 0 for almost any x (except for things like Infinity and Indeterminate), so here is what's happening:

= 0*{,}
= 0*{Null,Null}
= {0*Null,0*Null}
= {0,0}

For lists of 1s, you can use a similar trick by making use of exponentiation rules. There are two different ways to save bytes if you have at least three 1s in the list:



Code Golf
