Optimise canvas drawing of a circle

Here is a slightly different approach to combine circles and background to have only one canvas element to improve rendered dom.

This component uses the same colours and sizes with your randomization logic but stores all initial values in a circles array before rendering anything. render functions renders background colour and all circles together and calculates their move in each cycle.

export default function Circles() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const colorList = {
      1: ["#247ba0", "#70c1b3", "#b2dbbf", "#f3ffbd", "#ff1654"],
      2: ["#05668d", "#028090", "#00a896", "#02c39a", "#f0f3bd"]
    const colors = colorList[random(1, Object.keys(colorList).length)];
    const primary = colors[random(0, colors.length - 1)];
    const circles = [];

    let requestId = null;
    let canvas = ref.current;
    let context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    let ratio = getPixelRatio(context);
    let canvasWidth = getComputedStyle(canvas)
      .slice(0, -2);
    let canvasHeight = getComputedStyle(canvas)
      .slice(0, -2);

    canvas.width = canvasWidth * ratio;
    canvas.height = canvasHeight * ratio;
    canvas.style.width = "100%";
    canvas.style.height = "100%";

    [...colors, ...colors].forEach(color => {
      let y = random(0, canvas.height);
      let x = random(0, canvas.width);
      const height = random(100, canvas.height * 0.6);

      let directionX = random(0, 1) === 0 ? "left" : "right";
      let directionY = random(0, 1) === 0 ? "up" : "down";

        color: color,
        y: y,
        x: x,
        height: height,
        directionX: directionX,
        directionY: directionY

    const render = () => {
      context.fillStyle = primary;
      context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

      circles.forEach(c => {
        const speedX = 0.1;
        const speedY = 0.1;

        context.fillStyle = c.color;
        context.arc(c.x, c.y, c.height, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
        if (c.x < 0) c.directionX = "right";
        if (c.x > canvas.width) c.directionX = "left";
        if (c.y < 0) c.directionY = "down";
        if (c.y > canvas.height) c.directionY = "up";
        if (c.directionX === "left") c.x -= speedX;
        else c.x += speedX;
        if (c.directionY === "up") c.y -= speedY;
        else c.y += speedY;

      requestId = requestAnimationFrame(render);


    return () => {

  let ref = useRef();
  return <canvas ref={ref} />;

You can simply replace all bunch of circle elements and background style with this one component in your app component.

export default function App() {
  return (
      <div className="absolute inset-0 overflow-hidden">
          <Circles />
      <div className="backdrop-filter-blur-90 absolute inset-0 bg-gray-900-opacity-20" />