OpenJFX support for 32-bit systems

You could try building it yourself.
Documentation including instructions can be found here:

The instructions did not work flawlessly (at least for me).
I had to install the DirectX SDK (from June 2010) and I had to set some more environment variables (WINSDK_DIR and DXSDK_DIR).
Additional information on the build process in general can also be found here:

For my setup I had to also pass some gradle properties, so my call looked like this:
gradle clean sdk --no-daemon -PWINDOWS_SDK_VERSION=10.0.17763.0 -PWINDOWS_VS_VSINSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community"

However, note that the "Building OpenJFX" page (see link above) stats a "64-bit OS" as windows platform prerequisites, so 32-bit OpenJFX builds are most probably not officially supported right now...

Liberica OpenJDK 12 is available for 32-bit Windows and includes OpenJFX. As far as I know it's the only publicly available JDK including 32bit openjfx ref.

As of right now (April 16th 2019):

  • Zulu OpenJDK not available publicly for 32bit windows plus never got any reply on requests for 32bit
  • Amazon Corretto available for Java 8 only plus not full Javafx (missing webkit libs)


