OpenCV ROI Out-of-bounds: Fill with black?

All other answers seem a little bit too complicated to me. Simply:

// Create rects representing the image and the ROI
auto image_rect = cv::Rect({}, image.size());
auto roi = cv::Rect(-50, 50, 200, 100)

// Find intersection, i.e. valid crop region
auto intersection = image_rect & roi;

// Move intersection to the result coordinate space
auto inter_roi = intersection -;

// Create black image and copy intersection
cv::Mat crop = cv::Mat::zeros(roi.size(), image.type());

Image for reference:

enter image description here

I found that the best way to do this was to get the section of the ROI that was within bounds, then calculate how much on each side (top/bottom/left/right) of the ROI was out of bounds, then use the copyMakeBorder function to pad that much black border around each side. It worked out very well. It looks something like this now:

Mat getPaddedROI(const Mat &input, int top_left_x, int top_left_y, int width, int height, Scalar paddingColor) {
    int bottom_right_x = top_left_x + width;
    int bottom_right_y = top_left_y + height;

    Mat output;
    if (top_left_x < 0 || top_left_y < 0 || bottom_right_x > input.cols || bottom_right_y > input.rows) {
        // border padding will be required
        int border_left = 0, border_right = 0, border_top = 0, border_bottom = 0;

        if (top_left_x < 0) {
            width = width + top_left_x;
            border_left = -1 * top_left_x;
            top_left_x = 0;
        if (top_left_y < 0) {
            height = height + top_left_y;
            border_top = -1 * top_left_y;
            top_left_y = 0;
        if (bottom_right_x > input.cols) {
            width = width - (bottom_right_x - input.cols);
            border_right = bottom_right_x - input.cols;
        if (bottom_right_y > input.rows) {
            height = height - (bottom_right_y - input.rows);
            border_bottom = bottom_right_y - input.rows;

        Rect R(top_left_x, top_left_y, width, height);
        copyMakeBorder(input(R), output, border_top, border_bottom, border_left, border_right, BORDER_CONSTANT, paddingColor);
    else {
        // no border padding required
        Rect R(top_left_x, top_left_y, width, height);
        output = input(R);
    return output;

And you can easily make the padding whatever colour you like, which is nice.



