NuGet for .NET Core on Linux

With recent .NET Core SDK releases, such as 1.0.0 RC4, NuGet is shipped with .NET Core. You can directly access NuGet by specifying it as a command with dotnet:

dotnet nuget

If the version of the .NET Core SDK does not support that you could look at downloading a nightly build of NuGet v4. There is a NuGet.CommandLine.Xplat NuGet package which supports being run on .NET Core. However, you need all its dependencies in the same folder and the NuGet package does not specify them. Downloading just the NuGet.CommandLine.Xplat NuGet package will not work directly. It will show an error about missing NuGet assemblies.

Your final option, which you said you did not want to do, is to install Mono.

The latest dotnet core CLI includes the following commands:

dotnet restore
dotnet add package [package name]
dotnet remove package [package name]
dotnet pack
dotnet nuget push
dotnet nuget delete
dotnet nuget locals