How to reset ReactJS file input

What worked for me was setting a key attribute to the file input, then when I needed to reset it I update the key attribute value:

functionThatResetsTheFileInput() {
  let randomString = Math.random().toString(36);

    theInputKey: randomString

render() {
      <input type="file"
             key={this.state.theInputKey || '' } />
      <button onClick={this.functionThatResetsTheFileInput()} />

That forces React to render the input again from scratch.

This work for me - ref={ref => this.fileInput = ref}

<input id="file_input_file" type="file" onChange={(e) => this._handleFileChange(e)} ref={ref=> this.fileInput = ref} />

then in my case once the file was uploaded to the server , I clear it by using the statement below

 this.fileInput.value = "";

I do it by updating key inside my file input. This will force a re-render and previously selected file will go away.

<input type="file" key={this.state.inputKey} />

Changing the state inputKey will re-render the component. One way to change the inputKey will be to always set it to on click of a button which is supposed to clear the field.

I think you can just clear the input value like this : = null;

File input cannot be controlled, there is no React specific way to do that.

Edit For old browsers (<IE11), you can use one of the following techniques.

See,output (tested on IE10 & 9)