NSLocalizedString with swift variable

You can use the sprintf format parameters within NSLocalizedString, so your example can look like this:

let myString = String(format: NSLocalizedString(" - %d Notifica", comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare"), count)

In Session #412 of the WWDC2014 "Localizing with Xcode 6" the proper way to this in Swift is the following:

    NSLocalizedString(" - %d Notifica",
    comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare"),

I have followed the approach of creating extension to String as i have many strings to localize.

extension String {
    var localized: String {
        return NSLocalizedString(self, comment:"")

To use it for localization in code do:

self.descriptionView.text = "Description".localized

For strings with dynamic variables follow :

self.entryTimeLabel.text = "\("Doors-open-at".localized) \(event.eventStartTime)"

Declare the strings in String files for different languages (example : Arabic and English)

enter image description here enter image description here

Hope will be helping!