How can I pass an attribute parameter type with List<string> in C#?

The problem isn't passing a List<string> to a constructor in general - the problem is that you're trying to use it for an attribute. You basically can't do that, because it's not a compile-time constant.

It looks like ProgramList is effectively an enum - so you might want to make it an enum instead:

 public enum ProgramLists

Then make your CustomAuthorizeAttribute (which should be named like that, with a suffix of Attribute) accept a ProgramLists in the constructor. You'd specify it as:

[CustomAuthorize(ProgramLists.SurveyInput | ProgramLists.SurveyOutput)]

You can then have a separate way of mapping each ProgramLists element to a string such as "A001". This could be done by applying an attribute to each element, or maybe having a Dictionary<ProgramLists, string> somewhere.

If you really want to keep using strings like this, you could make CustomAuthorizeAttribute accept a single comma-separated list, or make it an array instead of a list and use a parameter array:

public class FooAttribute : Attribute
    public FooAttribute(params string[] values)

[Foo("a", "b")]
static void SomeMethod()

You can't use List<T>.

Attributes have restrictions on parameters and property types, because they have to be available at compile-time. Using attributes in C#

Use an array instead:

public CustomAuthorize(string[] _multipleProgramID) 

// usage
[CustomAuthorize(new string[] { ProgramList.SURVEY_INPUT, ProgramList.SURVEY_OUTPUT })]

I was trying to do something similar and ended up passing a comma separated string and using string.Spilt(',') in the attribute constructor to convert it to an array.



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