NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanel: Making my about panel slightly less standard

If you add a file named Credits.rtf to Resources the contents will automatically be used in the expanded standard about panel and you can put whatever info you want in the file. It will still pull the standard copyright, version info, etc from the info.plist. It is the easiest way I know of to add arbitrary info, otherwise you pretty much will have to roll your own about panel.

-[NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:]

Expanding further on the answers from Darrell Root and theMikeSwan above, Apple's documentation for the credits property of NSApplication.AboutPanelOptionKey states:-

The value of this key is an NSAttributedString displayed in the info area of the panel. If not specified, AppKit then looks for a file named “Credits.html”, “Credits.rtf”, and “Credits.rtfd”, in that order, in the bundle returned by the Bundle class method main. The first file found is used. If none is found, the info area is left blank.