How to run a shell script using Spotlight?

I would also like to add, if you need the terminal window to disappear after running the command, you can set the terminal settings to do just that.

It's under settings >> shell >> when the shell exits.

This will still leave Terminal running but the script will at least clean up after itself.

I used this for writing a script to hide and show desktop icons.

To make the Terminal window disappear when finished as of MacOS >= 10.0:

Terminal > Preferences > Select your default profile

Then Shell > When the shell exits select Close if the shell exited cleanly

Save your shell script with a .command suffix - this makes it double-clickable and you should also be able to run it directly from Spotlight too.

Another approach that completely avoids opening a Terminal:

Open Script Editor on your Mac, make sure AppleScript is selected from the language dropdown and type

do shell script "touch ~/testfile"

replacing touch ~/testfile with your code of choice--as you can see it need not have a .command suffix nor even actually be a script.

Now go to File | Export and select Application from the File Format: dropdown. Make sure all the Options: are unchecked and Don't Code Sign is selected from the Code Sign: dropdown. Name it whatever you like, save it wherever you like. Now you can double-click your new AppleScript application or run it from Spotlight and your script will run without a Terminal window opening.

As a bonus since it's AppleScript it can interact with the Mac UI--show results in a display dialog, get user input, etc.