Non-bitmapped "thumb up" symbol for flagging "good practice" tips

A free SVG version can be found on Wikimedia: Symbol thumbs up. The file Symbols_thumbs_up.svg can be converted with Inkscape to PDF like in this answer:

inkscape --export-pdf=Symbol_thumbs_up.pdf Symbol_thumbs_up.svg

The white margins can be removed by pdfcrop:

pdfcrop Symbol_thumbs_up.pdf

The result is Symbols_thumbs_up-crop.pdf.

In LaTeX it can be included, mirrored and resized by package graphicx with a driver that supports PDF. Otherwise it can be converted to EPS via pdftops of xpdf or poppler:

pdftops -eps Symbols_thumbs_up-crop.pdf Symbols_thumbs_up.eps

LaTeX example that defines \LeftThumbsUp and \RightThumbsUp:



  \LeftThumbsUp    & \verb|\LeftThumbsUp|\\
  \RightThumbsUp   & \verb|\RightThumbsUp|\\
  \LeftThumbsDown  & \verb|\LeftThumbsDown|\\
  \RightThumbsDown & \verb|\RightThumbsDown|


The fontawesome package is a good go-to for things like this:









It does not appear to pixelate even at 400% zoom level in my PDF viewer:

rendered LaTeX

Create a new character.



thumbs up \thumbsup

thumbs down \thumbsdown

0 and g refers to the character used as reference of size and vertical position. For those I tested, the best combination is as it is. Figures up.png and down.png must be attached to your folder.

Of course, if you prefer another thumbsup/down picture, you can change it.





