Combining sffamily and scshape

Imitation of small caps by reducing the uppercase letters can, in some rare cases, give a result slightly above the atrocious level. With Computer Modern Sans Serif such an attempt is doomed to horrible failure, because the heavy strokes are a distinctive feature of the font and you'd be mixing very different strokes between capitals and small capitals. I suggest using spaced all capitals (you get them easily with microtype).

This is an example with Computer Modern, European Modern and Latin Modern.

T\hsc{his} \hsc{is} F\hsc{ake} S\hsc{mall} C\hsc{aps}

T\hsc{his} \hsc{is} F\hsc{ake} S\hsc{mall} C\hsc{aps}

T\hsc{his} \hsc{is} F\hsc{ake} S\hsc{mall} C\hsc{aps}

enter image description here

Apart from the missing kerns, the contrast between the F and the A is too visible and horrible.

There is a version of computer modern with small caps in the sansmathfonts package. You can use it follows:

\textsc{Is This Better Than Fake Small Caps?}