Nicely-spaced multiple choice options

Here is an alternative using the tasks package:

enter image description here



\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns.
\task first answer
\task second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer


\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 2 columns.
\task first answer
\task second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer


\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 2 columns and are longer than a single line.
\task first answer first answer first answer first answer
\task second answer second answer second answer
\task third answer 
\task fourth answer


If you want your answer to spread across the whole textwidth, you could use tabularx as follows: (The red vertical lines indicate the width of the textblock). Please note that with this method, the spaces between the first and second , as well as between the second last and the last column will be bigger than the spaces between the other columns. (See also this comment)

enter image description here


\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns and take up the entire textwidth.

 \textbf{A} first answer &
 \textbf{B} second answer &
 \textbf{C} third answer &
 \textbf{D} fourth answer


Using tabular* in combination with \extracolsep{\fill} one can achieve the following output.Here, the horizontal white spaces between adjacent columns will be equal. If your answers are too long and need a linebreak, you might want to switch to p type columns instead. Please also note, that with this method, the width each answer takes up is different.

enter image description here


\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns and take up the entire textwidth.

 \textbf{A} 1 &
 \textbf{B} 2 &
 \textbf{C} 3 &
 \textbf{D} 4 &
 \textbf{E} 5

 \textbf{A} 1 &
 \textbf{B} 2 &
 \textbf{C} 3 &
 \textbf{D} 4 &
 \textbf{E} longer text

 \textbf{A} 1 &
 \textbf{B} long text &
 \textbf{C} 3 &
 \textbf{D} 4 &
 \textbf{E} longer text


I am pretty sure that there are several ways. I propose TikZ way due to its flexibility. We can write a new command for this.

enter image description here

\centerline{\LARGE\bfseries\textcolor{blue}{TIKZ for multiple choices}} 

\noindent{\bfseries Question 1.} This question has $2$ choices.

(0,0)         node{A. $x=1$}
++(0:\a/2 pt) node{B. $x=6$};

\noindent{\bfseries Question 2.} This question has $3$ choices.

\path[n/.style={font=\bfseries,circle,draw=blue,fill=gray!30},inner sep=1pt] 
(0,0)         node[n]{A}  +(0:1) node{$m=3$}
++(0:\a/3 pt) node[n]{B}  +(0:1) node{$m=4$}
++(0:\a/3 pt) node[n]{C}  +(0:1) node{$m=3$};

\noindent{\bfseries Question 3.} This question has $4$ choices.

(0,0)         node{A. $x=1$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{B. $x=6$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{C. $x=8$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{D. $x=6688$};

\noindent{\bfseries Question 4.} This question also has $4$ choices. You can see choices of Question $3$ and Question $4$ are vertically aligned.

(0,0)         node{A. $y=11$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{B. $y=66$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{C. $y=88$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{D. $y=668866$};

\noindent{\bfseries Question 5.} This question also has $4$ choices with other arrangement.

(0,0)        node[blue]   {A. Blue}
+(0:\a/2 pt) node[red]    {B. Red}
++(-90:.5)   node[violet] {C. Violet}
+(0:\a/2 pt) node[orange] {D. Orange};
