Spacing in "$d=2$-dimensional"

Building on @Mico's code, with the help of xparse, I propose a \Diml command, in which the spacing around the = sign is tighter, and the argument is input in a more natural way, as d = some value. It is of course easy to adjust the spacing to your taste.

\usepackage{amsmath} %
 \text{$ #1\mkern2mu{=}\mkern2mu#2 $\nobreakdash-dimensional}}%


$\Diml{d=1},\;\Diml{e = n }$


enter image description here

Assuming you've loaded the amsmath package, I would make use of its \nobreakdash directive to make sure there's never a line break between 2- and dimensional.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath} % for \nobreakdash and \text macros
%% Define a macro that takes an optional argument;
%% default value of optional argument is '2'.

$d=\diml$, $d=\diml[3]$, $d=\diml[n]$