ngModel changes, ngModelChange is not called

[(ngModel)] is used for the two way binding like from and to View and component,To use the ngModuleChange we need to split it [()] (Banana into the box) than its become the Property Binding [] and the Event Binding ()

Inside the component.html

<input type="number" placeholder="Enter number" 
   style="width: 100px"

And inside the component.ts file , we need to use these setThresholds method which get the value from Editext like below


There is also another way to use by the getter and setter property to get and set the data from the view

//This is a **two way** binding, so below code will not take effect
(ngModelChange)="setThresholds()" //This will not be fired

The solution is to change as below, and remove the "()" so that the get and set are separate:

[(ngModel)]="trait.userMinimum" ---> [ngModel]="trait.userMinimum"

This needs to be more like a comment, but putting it as an answer to make it more visible. I got the same error, but unfortunately the above answer did not work. There was also an error in the console which I ignored earlier ERROR Error: If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form control must be defined as 'standalone' in ngModelOptions. Fixing this issue caused the problem to be fixed.

In a nutshell what I did was adding an additional attribute called name to the input.

<input type="number" name="userMinimum" [(ngModel)]="trait.userMinimum" class="form-control"  (ngModelChange)="setThresholds($event)">

