Android Studio "Error Running Git" , 'Empty git --version output:'

in windows 10, 64bit version your installed git location is C:\Program Files\Git, There is a bin folder inside Git folder and there is a git.exe file, this is the file you have to choose or add in android studio.Works for me.

I just went to the Git path ubication, the only different thing that I did was have stopped at the cmd folder. As you might see in the next screenshot

enter image description here

Subsequently, instead of choosing git-gui.exe option, I select just git.exe option. And it seems to work for me.

enter image description here

default path of git.exe for GitHubDesktop 64-bit version is


you should try this path.

The path you configure for git should be C:\Users\Computer\Documents\Development\Git\cmd\git.exe instead. You should use git.exe not git-base.exe.

And add git installed path to environment variables (for windows OS):

This PC -> properties -> Advanced system setting -> advanced Tab -> environment variables -> find path in system variables -> edit -> add the git installed path by ;C:\Users\Computer\Documents\Development\Git\cmd -> ok.