Need to Initialization js after ajax response magento 2

I have the same issue and I resolved it by calling catalogAddToCart after the ajax call.

Here is the code snippet

    dataType: 'html',
    type: 'GET',
    success: function(data){
        var data =  $($.parseHTML(data));
        var productList = data.find('.products.list').html(); 
        // this solved the problem
        $( "form[data-role='tocart-form']" ).catalogAddToCart(); 

I have resolved this issue using below code:


htmlObject.find('[data-role=autocompletesearch-tocart-form],').attr('data-mage-init', JSON.stringify({'catalogAddToCart': {}}));             

From the accepted answer I made this generic solution which is a bit easier to understand:

$(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

    $('[data-mage-init]').each(function() {
        var mageInit = $(this).attr('data-mage-init');

        if (typeof mageInit !== 'undefined') {
            var script = document.createElement("script");
            script.type = "text/x-magento-init";
            script.text = '{"*":' + mageInit.trim() + '}';
