enable multiple modules for same namespace

You cannot use wildcards but you can enable all of them from one command like this:

php bin/magento module:enable Vendor_MyModule1 Vendor_MyModule2 Vendor_MyModule3

Short answer: Yes, you can.

But it is *nix command trick, Magento 2 does not support it by default as Marius answer.

You can execute the following command and it can do what you want.

php bin/magento module:status | grep VendorName_ | grep -v List | grep -v None | grep -v -e '^$'| xargs php bin/magento module:enable


You can use the the --all flag to enable all available modules

 php bin/magento module:enable --all

This of course is if you don't mind enabling all modules. Tested in magento 2.1.x