Music with pi and e

JavaScript (Node.js),  150 ... 134  133 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to @KevinCruijssen

Expects a BigInt as input and prints the music to STDOUT. This also works for \$n>500\$.

n=>{for(k=p=1n,x=3n*100n**n;x;p+=x/k)x=x*k++/k++/4n;for(;x<n;)console.log('CDEFGABCDE'[d=(p+'')[x++]]+" '"[d/7|0]+'7182818284'[d]/4)}

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Part 1: compute \$n\$ digits of \$\pi\$

This is based on the following formula:


Instead of using floats -- whose precision is obviously far too limited -- we use a Big Integer \$x\$ initialized to \$3\$ times a large enough power of \$10\$ and process integer divisions until we have \$x=0\$.

For 500 digits, we could just use \$x=3\cdot10^{503}\$. We instead start with \$x=3\cdot100^n\$, which is more than enough to get \$n\$ correct digits and easier to golf.

for(                    // loop:
  k = p = 1n,           //   start with k = p = 1
  x = 3n * 100n ** n;   //   start with x = 3 * 100 ** n
  x;                    //   stop when x = 0
  p += x / k            //   add x / k to p after each iteration
)                       //
  x =                   //   update x to:
    x * k++ / k++ / 4n  //     x * k / (k + 1) / 4 (and increment k twice)

Part 2: convert to music notes

for(; x < n;)           // repeat as many times as requested:
  console.log(          //   print:
    'CDEFGABCDE'[       //     string of notes
      d = (p + '')[x++] //     d = x-th digit of pi, extracted from p
    ] +                 //
    " '"[d / 7 | 0] +   //     append a quote if d is greater than or equal to 7,
                        //     or a space otherwise
    '7182818284'[d]     //     get the d-th digit of e (using Math.E would be longer)
    / 4                 //     and divide it by 4 for the beat
  )                     //   end of console.log()

05AB1E, 33 30 bytes


Outputs as a list of pairs in the ["string-note", beat-decimal] format.

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L                # Push a list in the range [1, (implicit) input]
 ε               # Map each integer to:
  Au             #  Push the uppercase alphabet
    S            #  Convert it to a list of characters
     7£          #  Only leave the first 7: ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G"]
       ÀÀ        #  Rotate it twice towards the left: ["C","D","E","F","G","A","B"]
         D       #  Duplicate it
          3£     #  Only leave the first 3 character of this copy: ["C","D","E"]
            ''«  #  Append a "'" to each: ["C'","D'","E'"]
               « #  Merge the two lists together:
                 #   ["C","D","E","F","G","A","B","C'","D'","E'"]
  žs             #  Push an infinite list of pi-digits: [3,1,4,1,5,...]
    yè           #  Index the current integer into it (0-based, so leading 3 is skipped)
      ©          #  Store it in variable `®` (without popping)
       è         #  Index this pi-digit into the notes string-list
  žt             #  Push an infinite list of e-digits: [2,7,1,8,2,...]
    ¦            #  Remove the leading 2
     ®           #  Push the pi-digit from variable `®`
      è          #  Index it into the infinite list of decimal e-digits
       4/        #  Divide it by 4
  ‚              #  Pair the pi-note and e-digit/4 together
                 # (after which the resulting list of pairs is output implicitly)

Perl 5 -Mbignum=bpi, 86 84 bytes

say+(C..G,A..E)[$_],"'"x($_>6),$",((exp 1)=~/./g)[$_+3]/4for(substr bpi<>+1,2)=~/./g

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for               # loop over
  (substr         # a substring of
     bpi<>+1,     #   PI to the appropriate number of decimals
     2)           #   starting after the second character
  =~/./g          # split into characters

    say+              # output
      (C..G,A..E)[$_],  # the note letter
      "'"x($_>6),       # a ' if it is in the next octave higher
      $",               # a space
      ((exp 1)          # Euler's number
       =~/./g)           # split into characters
       [$_+3]            # skipping the first 3 (2.7)
       /4                # divided by 4 beats