Is there a face in this image?

JavaScript (ES6),  147 ... 140  139 bytes

Returns either false or a truthy value.


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We start with \$k=2\$ and \$p\$ set to an empty string.

At each iteration, we first replace all characters in the input string \$s\$ other than "o", "7" or "_" with zeros. This includes linefeeds. So the first test case:


is turned into:

flat representation: "...o.....o.¶......7....¶..._______."
after replace()    : "000o00000o00000000700000000_______0"

We then attempt to match the 3 parts of a face of width \$k+1\$.


An "o" followed by \$k-1\$ zeros, followed by another "o":


Followed by the padding string \$S\$ defined as:

 \______________________/ \____________/ |
   right / left padding      k+1 zeros   +--> repeated any
                          + same padding      number of times


\$k/2\$ zeros, followed by a "7", followed by \$k/2\$ zeros, followed by the same padding string \$S\$ as above:



\$k+1\$ underscores:


In case of failure, we try again with \$k+2\$. Or we stop as soon as the variable \$w\$ used to build \$S\$ is less than \$1\$, meaning that the padding string would become inconsistent at the next iteration.

For the first test case, we successively get the following patterns:


The 3rd one is a match.

05AB1E, 61 60 57 bytes


Input as a list of lines. Outputs a list of valid faces as truthy, or an empty list [] as falsey. If this is not allowed, the ʒ can be ε and a trailing has to be added, to output 1 for truthy and 0 for falsey.

Try it online or verify all test cases. (Sometimes times out for the last biggest test case.)


Step 1: Transform the input into \$n\$ by \$m\$ blocks:

3тŸ              # Push a list in the range [3,100]
   ã             # Create all possible pairs by taking the cartesian product
ε                # Map each pair [m,n] to:
 `               #  Pop and push the m,n separated to the stack
  I              #  Push the input-list
   €             #  For each row:
    Π           #   Get all substrings
      δ          #  For each list of substrings:
     s ù         #   Keep those of a length equal to `n` (using a swap beforehand)
        ø        #  Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
                 #  (we now have a list of columns, each with a width of size `n`)
         €       #  For each column of width `n`:
          Π     #   Get all sublists
            δ    #  For each list of sublists:
           s ù   #   Keep those of a length equal to `m` (using a swap beforehand)
              €` #  And flatten the list of list of lists of strings one level down
}€`              # After the map: flatten the list of list of strings one level down

Try just this first step online.

Step 2: Keep the \$n\$ by \$m\$ blocks which are valid faces:

ʒ                # Filter the list of blocks by:
 ć               #  Extract the first row; pop and push the remainder-list and first row
                 #  separated to the stack
  Á              #  Rotate the characters in the string once towards the right
   „ooÅ?         #  Check if the string now starts with a leading "oo"
 s               #  Swap to get the remaining list of rows
  R              #  Reverse the list
   ć             #  Extract head again, to get the last row separated to the stack
    Ù            #  Uniquify this string
     '_Q        '#  And check if it's now equal to "_"
 s               #  Swap to get the remaining list of rows
  €              #  For each row:
   Ås            #   Only leave the middle character (or middle 2 for even-sized rows)
     7¢          #  Count the amount of 7s in this list
 y               #  Push the entire block again
  ¨              #  Remove the last row (the mouth)
   J             #  Join everything else together
    …_7oS        #  Push string "_7o" as a list of characters: ["_","7","o"]
         ¢       #  Count each in the joined string
          2Ý     #  Push the list [0,1,2]
            Q    #  Check if the two lists are equal
 P               #  And finally, check if all checks on the stack are truthy
                 # (after which the filtered result is output implicitly)

Python 3.8, 264 \$\cdots\$ 223 222 bytes

Saved a whopping 16 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen!!!

Saved a byte thanks to Tanmay!!!

import re
def f(l):
 while l:
  while m:=re.compile(f'o{b}+o').search(s,p-1):
   if re.match(f'({b*d})*{b*e}7{b*e}({b*d})*'+'_'*d,''.join(s[a:p]for s in l)):return 1

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Inputs a list of strings.
Outputs \$1\$ for a face, None otherwise.


Looks for pairs of eyes in each row, starting from the top, by repeatedly removing the top row from the input list. If a pair is found, the columns forming the pair are taken from the remaining rows and concatenated together. This string is then tested against a regex constructed from the distance separating the eyes to see if we've found a face. If not, we continue scanning the current line, beginning at the stage-left eye, looking for more pairs before moving onto the next row.