Multiple roles using @PreAuthorize

You can create a custom annotation to validate many roles and conditions. P.e.:

@PreAuthorize("hasRole(T( " +
        "|| hasRole(T(" +
        "|| (hasRole(T( && #userId == principal.username)")
public @interface IsAuthenticatedAsAgentOrCustomerIsUserId {

Then, you can use this annotation as below:

Folder findByUserIdAndType(@Param("userId") String userId, @Param("typeId") FolderType id);

This annotation validate that user logged as role AGENT or ADMIN. If user has role CUSTOMER validate if userId parameter is equals to user logged

Simply combine roles by using && or || in SpEL expressions

@PreAuthorize("hasRole('" + AuthoritiesConstants.USER + "')" +
              " && hasRole('" + AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN + "')" )

@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_USER')")


When you need to support multiple roles, you can use the hasAnyRole() expression.
