Passing variables in proto regex with Perl 6 grammar


  • It's a bug. See [BUG] Proto regex with params isn't called correctly (possibly NYI) in Rakudo.

  • I have an alternative approach that works for passing non-dynamic arguments. But see the next point.

  • Your follow up commentary explaining what you'd golf'd from suggests your dynamic variable alternative might be better. I'll discuss that too.

An alternative approach that works

Switch proto token... to proto method... and token foo:sym<...>s to multi tokens without the :sym<...> affix:

grammar Foo {
  token TOP { (.) {} <bar($0)> }
  proto method bar ($s) {*}
  multi token bar ($s where /<alpha>+/) { {say 'alpha start ', $s} .. }
  multi token bar ($s where /<digit>+/) { {say 'digit start ', $s} .. }

say Foo.parse("xyz")


alpha start 「x」
 0 => 「x」
 bar => 「yz」

Your dynamic variable alternative might be better

In my actual code, the variable is passed along to block certain matches (mainly to avoid certain types of recursion)

It sounds like you could have a single dynamic variable (say $*nope), set to whatever value you wish, and systematically use that. Or perhaps a couple. Dynamic variables are intended for exactly this sort of thing. Beyond an ideological discomfit with dynamic variables (to the degree they're carelessly used as unconstrained globals they are bad news), what's not to like?

The first thing is that I don't really get what you intend to do here. My impression is that you want the second part of the token to be a function of the first part. I don't get why you use a proto here. You can do that straight away this way:

grammar Foo {
    token TOP     { (.) {} <bar($0)> }
    token bar( $s )  { {say ~$s} $s <alpha>+ }

say Foo.parse("xxz")

But I'm not sure you can actually make it work combining syms and arguments. syms already have one argument: the one used in the adverb. It's more than simply a symbol, it's what is going to be matched there (if you use the predefined token <sym>; you can simply use it as sub-matches too:

grammar Foo {
    token TOP     { (.) {} <bar> }
    proto token bar {*}
    token bar:sym<alpha>  { <alpha>+ }
    token bar:sym<digit>  { <digit>+ }

say Foo.parse("xxz");
say Foo.parse("x01")

Or simply use the string as a sym match:

grammar Foo {
    token TOP     { (.) {} <bar>+ }
    proto token bar {*}
    token bar:sym<x>  { <sym>+ }
    token bar:sym<z>  { <sym>+ }
    token bar:sym<1>  { <sym>+ }
    token bar:sym<0>  { <sym>+ }

say Foo.parse("xxz");
say Foo.parse("x01")

So I would say that Raiph's answer is where you want to go; syms do not seem like the right way to achieve that, since they have a built-in variable (the argument to sym), but you have to specify every single case.


