mount Linux NFS. rpc.statd is not running

I found an answer that worked on Raspbian for me here.

Enable the rpcbind and nfs services.

sudo update-rc.d rpcbind enable

sudo update-rc.d nfs-common enable

Restart the rpcbind service

sudo service rpcbind restart

statd is part of the package nfs-common. You could probably find that yourself with locate statd which gives you among others /etc/init.d/statd.

You can start statd with:

service statd start

But it should normally have started on system boot but maybe there is something else going wrong. You should check your log files: grep statd /var/log/* to see if there are reasons why that did not start.

Your /etc/exports looks ok to me. I use:

/data0    *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

on my server and: /data0   nfs  defaults,noauto,user 0 0

in the /etc/fstab on my client.

If rpcbind and statd are enabled and running and you still get this error message it is possible that the host is configured with restrictive tcp wrappers. The following error will be logged:

rpc.statd: Failed to read /var/lib/nfs/state: Success

In that case you should add the following to /etc/hosts.allow:



