How to programmatically determine the highest version kernel RPM installed?


The 3rd attempt actually works! I'm leaving the first 2 attempts so that others that may come across this Q&A in the future will hopefully gain some insight into how non-trivial a problem it is to parse RPM version information and determine the lineage of which came first, second, etc.

Attempt #1 (OP said didn't work)

This command will sort the output and give you them in version order:

$ rpm -q kernel --queryformat "%{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n"|sort -n
2.6.18 238.12.1.el5
2.6.18 238.19.1.el5
2.6.18 274.12.1.el5
2.6.18 308.8.2.el5

WHY IT DIDN'T WORK: A naive person would think that you can use some variant of the sort command to perform this task, but there is enough variability and inconsistency in the formatting of the actual version information for a given RPM that it just isn't up to the task.

Attempt #2 (OP said didn't work)

$ rpm -q --last kernel | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1

WHY IT DIDN'T WORK: I had high hopes that this approach would yield the results the OP was looking for, but the issue with this one as @Joel pointed out in the comments, is that the --last switch is merely returning the results sorted by the date the RPMs were installed.

Attempt #3

This one will definitely do the job. I found a suite of tools called RPM Development Tools. There are 2 tools in this suite that will give you the capability to determine whether one version of a RPM is newer or older than another.

If the RPM isn't already installed you can do so as follows:

yum install rpmdevtools

The first tool that's useful is called rpmdev-vercmp. This tool can compare 2 names of RPMs and tell you which one is newer. For example:

$ rpmdev-vercmp kernel- kernel-
0:kernel- is newer

After finding this I was all set to put together a shell script but then realized, man I'm lazy, so I poked a few minutes more and found another tool in the suite called rpmdev-sort.

This tool is pay-dirt. You can use it as follows:

$ rpm -q kernel | rpmdev-sort 

There are a lot of tools in RPM Development Tools that might be worth a look for others so I'm listing them here for future reference.

$ rpm -q --queryformat '[%{NAME} %{FILEMODES:perms} %{FILENAMES}\n]' rpmdevtools \
    | grep -E "^.* -..x..x..x " \
    | awk '{print $3}'          \
    | sed 's#/usr/bin/##'       \
    | paste - - -               \
    | column -t

annotate-output   checkbashisms    licensecheck
manpage-alert     rpmargs          rpmdev-bumpspec
rpmdev-checksig   rpmdev-cksum     rpmdev-diff
rpmdev-extract    rpmdev-md5       rpmdev-newinit
rpmdev-newspec    rpmdev-packager  rpmdev-rmdevelrpms
rpmdev-setuptree  rpmdev-sha1      rpmdev-sha224
rpmdev-sha256     rpmdev-sha384    rpmdev-sha512
rpmdev-sort       rpmdev-sum       rpmdev-vercmp
rpmdev-wipetree   rpmelfsym        rpmfile
rpminfo           rpmls            rpmpeek
rpmsodiff         rpmsoname        spectool

An alternative to #3

An alternative that the OP mentioned in the comments is to use sort -V. That's a capital -V. I'd never heard of this switch either. From the sort man page:

-V, --version-sort
       natural sort of (version) numbers within text

As it turns out sort does provide a facility to sort version numbers so you could also perform the sorting like so:

$ rpm -q kernel | sort -V


