Minifying math statements

Couple of suggestions:

  1. Run Check Geometry tool on your layer that you wish to clip, you could then follow that up with a Repair Geometry if it finds errors. You may wish to do that on a backed up copy.
  2. Check whether the coordinate systems are different. Perhaps you are trying to Clip a dataset in Decimal Degrees with a dataset that is in Meters or vice versa? If so, reproject the Decimal Degrees data into the coordinate system of the other.

Perusing the source code of the Arduino bootloaders at it appears that they do in fact support the stk500 readback functionality for flash memory, such that you can accomplish your goal with a client program such as avrdude.

So the answer to the question is that if you can access the bootloader, then yes you can read out the contents of the flash memory in a binary or hex format, without resorting to an external programmer.

If you cannot access the bootloader (reset troubles, or no intact bootloader present) then you may be able to do so with an external programmer, provided security fuse settings do not prevent this.

ArcGIS often throws a topoengine error when it runs out of memory while running in 32 bit mode and performing overlay operations. To get around that I either chop-up the job or use 64 bit geoprocessing with lots of RAM and Repair Geometry on all input features (create local copies first if you don't want to mess up your inputs with the repair).