memory error in python

This one here:

s = raw_input()
for i in xrange(0, a):
    for j in xrange(0, a):
        if j >= i:
            if len(s[i:j+1]) > 0:

seems to be very inefficient and expensive for large strings.

Better do

for i in xrange(0, a):
    for j in xrange(i, a): # ensures that j >= i, no test required
        part = buffer(s, i, j+1-i) # don't duplicate data
        if len(part) > 0:

A buffer object keeps a reference to the original string and start and length attributes. This way, no unnecessary duplication of data occurs.

A string of length l has l*l/2 sub strings of average length l/2, so the memory consumption would roughly be l*l*l/4. With a buffer, it is much smaller.

Note that buffer() only exists in 2.x. 3.x has memoryview(), which is utilized slightly different.

Even better would be to compute the indexes and cut out the substring on demand.

If you get an unexpected MemoryError and you think you should have plenty of RAM available, it might be because you are using a 32-bit python installation.

The easy solution, if you have a 64-bit operating system, is to switch to a 64-bit installation of python.

The issue is that 32-bit python only has access to ~4GB of RAM. This can shrink even further if your operating system is 32-bit, because of the operating system overhead.

You can learn more about why 32-bit operating systems are limited to ~4GB of RAM here:


