Is it possible to write onFocus/lostFocus handler for a DIV using JS or jQuery?

Focus do not work on DIV :

ALso good read: jquery : focus to div is not working

If you want to focus a div or anything normally can't be focused, set the tag's tabindex to -1 first.
eg: $("div#header").attr("tabindex",-1).focus();

You need to add tabindex attribute to div :

$("#mydiv").focusin(function() {
  $("#mydiv").css("background", "red");
$("#mydiv").focusout(function() {
  $("#mydiv").css("background", "white");
#mydiv {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  border: 1px solid red;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="mydiv" tabindex="100"></div>
<div id="anotherdiv"></div>