Memory efficient way to split large numpy array into train and test

Another way to use the sklearn split method with reduced memory usage is to generate an index vector of X and split on this vector. Afterwards you can select your entries and e.g. write training and test splits to the disk.

import h5py
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

X = np.random.random((10000,70000))
Y = np.random.random((10000,))

x_ids = list(range(len(X)))
x_train_ids, x_test_ids, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(x_ids, Y, test_size = 0.33, random_state=42)

# Write

f = h5py.File('dataset/train.h5py', 'w')
f.create_dataset(f"inputs", data=X[x_train_ids],
f.create_dataset(f"labels", data=Y_train,

f = h5py.File('dataset/test.h5py', 'w')
f.create_dataset(f"inputs", data=X[x_test_ids],
f.create_dataset(f"labels", data=Y_test,

# Read

f = h5py.File('dataset/train.h5py', 'r')
X_train = np.array(f.get('inputs'),
Y_train = np.array(f.get('labels'),

f = h5py.File('dataset/test.h5py', 'r')
X_test = np.array(f.get('inputs'),
Y_test = np.array(f.get('labels'),

I came across a similar problem.

As mentioned by @user1879926, I think shuffle is a main cause of memory exhaustion.

And ,as 'Shuffle' is claimed to be an invalid parameter for model_selection.train_test_split cited, train_test_split in sklearn 0.19 has option disabling shuffle.

So, I think you can escape from memory error by just adding shuffle=False option.

One method that I've tried which works is to store X in a pandas dataframe and shuffle

X = X.reindex(np.random.permutation(X.index))

since I arrive at the same memory error when I try


Then, I convert the pandas dataframe back to a numpy array and using this function, I can obtain a train test split

#test_proportion of 3 means 1/3 so 33% test and 67% train
def shuffle(matrix, target, test_proportion):
    ratio = int(matrix.shape[0]/test_proportion) #should be int
    X_train = matrix[ratio:,:]
    X_test =  matrix[:ratio,:]
    Y_train = target[ratio:,:]
    Y_test =  target[:ratio,:]
    return X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test

X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = shuffle(X, Y, 3)

This works for now, and when I want to do k-fold cross-validation, I can iteratively loop k times and shuffle the pandas dataframe. While this suffices for now, why does numpy and sci-kit learn's implementations of shuffle and train_test_split result in memory errors for big arrays?