Measure/dimension line (line parallel to a line)

You can just use (A) and (B). Then the segment is long enough to get a good result.


\coordinate (A) at (1,1);
\coordinate (B) at (4,4);
\fill (A) circle(.5mm);
\fill (B) circle(.5mm);
\draw (A)--(B);
\coordinate (P1) at ($(A)!.2cm!90:(B)$);
\coordinate (P2) at ($(B)!.2cm!-90:(A)$);
\draw[|<->|] (P1)--(P2);

enter image description here

You can also use a dimline like this:

\documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone}
\usepackage{tikz-dimline, calc}
\coordinate (A) at (1,1);
\coordinate (B) at (4,4);
\fill (A) circle(.5mm);
\fill (B) circle(.5mm);
\draw (A)--(B);
\dimline[extension start length=0.4 cm, extension end length=0.4 cm] {($(A)!.4cm!90:(B)$)} {($(B)!.4cm!-90:(A)$)}{10};

line with dimline

Or without a label:

\dimline[extension start length=0.4 cm, extension end length=0.4 cm, label style=transparent] {($(A)!.4cm!90:(B)$)} {($(B)!.4cm!-90:(A)$)}{};

You can also use the - in my opinion - amazing package tkz-euclide and do something like:

\documentclass[border=2mm, tikz]{standalone}





enter image description here


Tikz Pgf