Reduce space between columns in a STATA exported table


specifies that latex should stretch the table so the columns are far apart and the total width of the table is 10% wider than fits on the page.



So that the table is natural width.

Here is my suggestion beased on siunitx. (Red lines indicate page margins, Numbers are aligned with respect to the decimal separator, number of observations are horizontally centered within the corresponding columns.

enter image description here





                           input-symbols = {()},
                           table-align-text-pre=false ]}@{}}
                    &{Group 1}&{Group 2}&{Group 3}&{Group 4}\\
propyes1            &       305.1\sym{***}&                     &                     &                     \\
                    &    (205.46)         &                     &                     &                     \\
gdppc               &  -0.0000193\sym{***}&  0.00000260\sym{*}  &  -0.0000174\sym{***}&  -0.0000147\sym{***}\\
                    &    {(}-18.19)         &      (2.38)         &    {(}-16.38)         &    {(}-13.72)         \\
propyes2            &                     &       17.19\sym{***}&                     &                     \\
                    &                     &     (75.74)         &                     &                     \\
propyes3            &                     &                     &       9.964\sym{***}&                     \\
                    &                     &                     &     (40.51)         &                     \\
propyes4            &                     &                     &                     &      -6.050\sym{***}\\
                    &                     &                     &                     &    {(}-35.42)         \\
Constant            &       13.66\sym{***}&       58.99\sym{***}&       60.07\sym{***}&       64.76\sym{***}\\
                    &     (84.14)         &    (541.52)         &    (478.00)         &    (667.77)         \\
Observations        &      {386364}         &      {386364}         &      {386364}         &      {386364}         \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{t} statistics in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\)}\\
