Maxout at town hall 8, or move on to level 9?

You really should max out everything first or your going to spend lvl 9 wishing you had. This is a perfect level to focus in war so if you find it boring to build up everything, just focus on going trophys instead...

I'd say completely max out if you haven't already gone to th9. The reason being is your attacks are going to change. You can debate walls...I'd say max them, but that's just me... But as far as everything need your golems maxed, your pekkas maxed, you want your barb king to 10 because of the boost from that. Then you fill storages and ug so you can hit the ground running with archer queen, Xbows, lab ug, and getting your new ad and other stuff up. Spend the time in th8 and you'll get through 9 faster. War attack strategy relies heavily on drags for most in th8, but in 9 you need gowipe, gowiwi. Also if you practice them now (with maxed gols and pekks) you'll be a more effective teammate.

I was in the exact same position as you. But I ended up upgrading.

I always get attacked by level 110s now and I am only a level 80. I hardly ever have any gold, but elixir I always have plenty of. But still not enough for me to proceed in the game. I started playing October 2012 and quit in early 2014 because of my mistakes. There was no way I'd ever start over, but I didn't want to continue where I was at.

So no, do not upgrade yet. Definitely max out.