How to cycle through the various units/buildings in a single control group?

First, double tapping 4 will actually take you to the closest CC to your current camera, not the last CC added to control group.

Now, to do what you want, you have a few options.

  • Use the base location hotkey to jump to various CC's (This might actually be the best option for you.)
  • Use camera hotkeys. You can assign f1 to your main, f2 to your nat, etc.
  • Finally, some pros do this. have 4 be all your CC's, but then have 5-9 be your individual bases. This way you can easy access mules/scans, but also jump to specific bases.

Now, the tab technique only works if you have multiple unit types, such as on 1 you might have marines and marauders, hitting tab changes from one to the other. It will not allow you to select different CC's in your group, nor is there any easy way of doing that.

gl hf!

Yeah if I remember correctly you cycle with Tab, unless I didn't understand your question.

Backspace will center on your base and cycle through them if you have more than one. Though, it's generally more useful to use camera hotkeys. They can be set using CTRL+F5-F8 and CTRL+SHIFT+F5-F8. In order to recall the saved camera position, use F# and SHIFT+F# respectively depending on which hotkey you used. For example,

  • I set my main base to F5, and my production buildings to F6
  • I set my expansions to SHIFT+F#

I don't recommend setting all your production facilities to one hotkey. You can potentially save control groups by using a camera hotkey, and then selecting the buildings manually. Though, you generally want to keep your buildings hotkeyed.

Camera hotkeys are more useful because using a control group will select the building, which deselects anything you have selected. So if you want to move workers to your natural, you'd probably end up scrolling the edge of the screen. The camera hotkey allows you to quickly view another location to send your workers while having them still selected.


Starcraft 2