Max of the reversed of two numbers

Wren, 126 124 bytes

As always Wren is the longest. I hate Wren's verbosity.{|a|{|i|i>0?"":"-"+(i.abs.toString[-1..-(i.abs.toString.count)])}.map{|i|Num.fromString(i)}.reduce{|x,y|x<y?x:y}}

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Explanation{                                                                                                              // new anonymous function
       |a|                                                                                                           // with the parameter a
{|i|                                                                                                  // for each item in this parameter
                                  (i>0)?"":"-"                                                                       // The sign of each item. If the item is larger than 0, return the null string, otherwise return a negative sign.
                                              +(                                           )                         // Append this with the following string:
                                                i.abs                                                                // The absolute value of i
                                                     .toString                                                       // Convert this value to a string
                                                              [-1..-(i.abs.toString.count)]                          // Reverse this string
                   Num.fromString(                                                          )                        // convert this to a number from a string
                                                                                             }.reduce{|x,y|x<y?x:y}} // Find the minimum value of the list

Perl 5, 51 bytes:

sub f{($x,$y)=map{/-?/;$&.reverse$'}@_;$x>$y?$x:$y}

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...or if using a function from a core module is allowed (max in List::Util) it's 35 bytes:

35 bytes:

sub f{max map{/-?/;$&.reverse$'}@_}

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Zsh, 63 bytes

for x;a+=(${(M)x#-}${(j::)${(Oas::)x#-}})

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${x#-} removes the leading - if it exists. Adding the (M) flag causes the - to be substituted instead of what remains. Then this construct reverses the remaining string: ${(j::)${(Oas::)var}}.

For each element, we append to an array, then use a comparison to index into the array.