How wavy is an array?

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The output is 0-indexed.


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This is essentially an implementation of Cramer's rule, except that the denominator is not computed.

Given the input vector of length \$n\$, we define \$W_n\$ as the matrix holding the waves, stored column-wise.


$$W_5=\begin{pmatrix} 1&1&1&1&1\\ 1&2&2&2&2\\ 1&1&3&3&3\\ 1&2&2&4&4\\ 1&1&1&3&5\end{pmatrix}$$

We compute all values \$v_i=\det(M_i)\$ with \$0\le i<n\$, where \$M_i\$ is the matrix formed by replacing the \$i\$-th column of \$W_n\$ with the input vector.


For the 5th test case and \$i=3\$, this gives:

$$v_3=\det(M_3)=\begin{vmatrix} 1&1&1&\color{red}1&1\\ 1&2&2&\color{red}3&2\\ 1&1&3&\color{red}3&3\\ 1&2&2&\color{red}3&4\\ 1&1&1&\color{red}1&5\end{vmatrix}=0$$

We return the highest index \$j\$ such that \$v_j\neq0\$.


The helper function \$D\$ uses Laplace expansion to compute the determinant:

D = m =>                     // m[] = matrix
  +m ||                      // if the matrix is a singleton, return it
  m.reduce((s, [v], i) =>    // otherwise, for each value v at (0, i):
    s                        //   take the previous sum s
    + (i & 1 ? -v : v)       //   based on the parity of i, add either v or -v
    * D(                     //   multiplied by the result of a recursive call:[, ...r]) => r) //     pass m[] with the 1st column removed
      .filter(_ => i--)      //     and the i-th row removed
    ),                       //   end of recursive call
    0                        //   start with sum = 0
  )                          // end of reduce()

The matrix \$M_i\$ is computed with:, y) =>         // for each value v at position y in the input vector a[]:, x) =>       //   for each value at position x in the input vector a[]:
    x - i ?             //     if this is not the i-th column:
      x -               //       compute the wave of power x+1 at position y:
      ~-Math.abs(       //         x - (|y mod (2*x) - x| - 1)
        y % (2 * x) - x //         (where y mod 0 is coerced to 0)
      )                 //
    :                   //     else:
      v                 //       append the value a[y] of the input vector
  )                     //   end of inner map()
)                       // end of outer map()

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 34 33 27 bytes


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Lots of golfing thanks to ngn.

How it works

g←⊢{⊢/⍋0≠⍺⌹⍉↑(1+⍵⍴⍳,⊢-⍳)¨⍳⍵}≢  Accept a vector V of length N
  ⊢{                       }≢  Call the inner function with ⍺=V, ⍵=N
                         ⍳⍵    Make 0..N-1
             (    ⍳,⊢-⍳)¨      For each i of above, make 0..i-1,i..1 and
              1+⍵⍴               repeat/truncate to length N and +1
         ⍺⌹⍉↑                  Reform above as matrix and solve equations
       0≠                      Test nonzero on each item (nonzero→1, zero→0)
    ⊢/⍋                        Find the last index of 1

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Uses ⎕IO←0 and an alternative way to generate the matrix W.

g←⍴-0(⊥⍨=)⊢⌹∘⍉∘↑1+⍴⍴¨(⊢,1+⌽)∘⍳¨∘⍳∘⍴  Accept a vector of length n
                                ⍳∘⍴  Make a vector 0..n-1
                     (⊢,1+⌽)∘⍳¨      For each k of above, chain 0..k-1 and k..1
                  ⍴⍴¨                  and repeat or truncate to length n
                                     The first row has 0 elements, repeat gives n zeros
                1+                   Increment all elements
  ⍴-0(⊥⍨=)⊢⌹∘⍉∘↑                     The rest is the same as the previous answer

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 34 bytes


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A monadic train that accepts a numeric vector.

How it works

g←⍴-0(⊥⍨=)⊢⌹∘⍉∘↑⍴⍴¨(⊢,1↓¯1↓⌽)∘⍳¨∘⍳∘⍴  Accept a vector of length n
                                 ⍳∘⍴  Make a vector 1..n
                   (⊢,1↓¯1↓⌽)∘⍳¨      For each k of the above, generate one unit of wave of power k (1..k..2)
                ⍴⍴¨                   Repeat or truncate each row to length n (result is nested vector)
             ⍉∘↑                      Convert nested vector to matrix, and transpose it
          ⊢⌹                          Solve the linear equation
    0(⊥⍨=)                            Count trailing zeros
  ⍴-                                  Subtract from n

Basically, this solution uses the same W matrix as Arnauld's submission, solves the linear equation, and then finds the index of the last nonzero entry using the good old "count trailing ones" ⊥⍨.



Code Golf