MaterializeCSS how can i make row column height the same?

I actually found a simple solution but it requires a plugin and jquery and also i am not sure on the cons of doing this.

But please feel free to share your own solution i really want to fix this with maybe pure CSS

Anyway the code is like this

read and install this script:


<div class="row">
  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">
    Looooong Looooong Looooong Looooong Looooong text
  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">
      Short text
  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">
    <p>Short text</p>
  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">

  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">
  <div class="col m4 s6 sample">
    <img src="" class = "responsive-img">



This can be easily fixed with the proper use of the grid system.

In your code, you have 6 div elements that you give a size of "col m4 s6" each. Adding all of these divs together equals 24 medium columns or 36 small columns. These 24 medium columns/36 small columns are placed within a single row which only works with a max layout of 12 columns.

To alleviate this, wrap each group of elements that equal 12 column widths within their own row:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col m4">
    <div class="col m4">
        <p>More Content</p>
    <div class="col m4">
        <p>Even More Content</p>
    <!-- No more room for content as three m4-sized columns equal 12. 
         Any additional content should be placed within a new row-->
<div class="row>
    <!--Additional content up to 12 column widths go in here-->

I updated your initial fiddle to demonstrate this. You'll see that the column heights have been fixed as well.

With SASS, I use clear:left on the first col.

Example for a s4 m3 l2:

@media #{$small-and-down}{
    .col:nth-child(3n+1) {
        clear: left;
@media #{$medium-only}{
    .col:nth-child(4n+1) {
        clear: left;
@media #{$large-and-up} {
    .col:nth-child(6n+1) {
        clear: left;