Master can't connect to cluster

The Kubelet is trying to register the master node us-east-1a with an API Server endpoint I believe this should be API server endpoint of any of the other two masters. Kubelet uses kubelet.conf file to talk to the API Server to register node.Change the server in kubelet.conf file located at /etc/kubernetes to point to one of the below:

  1. Elastic IP or public IP of master node at us-east-1b or us-east-1c ex https://xx.xx.xx.xx:6443
  2. Private IP of current master node us-east-1b or us-east-1c ex https://xx.xx.xx.xx:6443
  3. FQDN of current master node if you have a Load balancer in-front of your master nodes running the kubernetes API server.

After changing kubelet.conf restart kubelet.

Edit: Since you are using etcd manager can you try the Kubernetes service unavailable / flannel issues troubleshooting step described here