S3 Presigned URL Multiple Content Disposition Headers

I have solved this issue using the latest API available for this thing from AWS SDK for NodeJS using the following code:

const aws = require('aws-sdk');


const s3 = new aws.S3({
  accessKeyId: <aws-access-key>,
  secretAccessKey: <aws-secret-access-key>,
  region: <aws-region>,
  signatureVersion: AWS_SIGNATURE_VERSION

 * Return a signed document URL given a Document instance
 * @param  {object} document Document
 * @return {string}          Pre-signed URL to document in S3 bucket
const getS3SignedDocumentURL = (docName) => {
  const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {
    Bucket: <aws-s3-bucket-name>,
    Key: <aws-s3-object-key>,
    Expires: <url-expiry-time-in-seconds>,
    ResponseContentDisposition: `attachment; filename="${docName}"`

  return url;

 * Return a signed document URL previewable given a Document instance
 * @param  {object} document Document
 * @return {string}          Pre-signed URL to previewable document in S3 bucket
const getS3SignedDocumentURLPreviewable = (docName) => {
  const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {
    Bucket: <aws-s3-bucket-name>,
    Key: <aws-s3-object-key>,
    Expires: <url-expiry-time-in-seconds>,
    ResponseContentDisposition: `inline; filename="${docName}"`

  return url;

module.exports = {

Note: Don't forget to replace the placeholders (<...>) with actual values to make it work.

It's strange how often we overlook things like filenames where comma (,) could be common if it is user generated name. While setting response-content-disposition make sure to strip special character or properly escape the filename attribute

Refer https://stackoverflow.com/a/6745788/8813684 for more details