Manually set unobtrusive validation error on a textbox

First, you can add a validation summary:

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Slug)

Then you can manually trigger jQuery validation / unobtrusive validation with the .showError method. Here is a sample:

var errorArray = {};
errorArray["Slug"] = 'Some error message for the Slug text box';

Using showErrors did not allow the error to persist, so that running .valid() cleared the error. Instead, I added a "forcibleerror" rule and a javascript method to set the message.

function forceError(element, errorMessage) {
    $(element).rules("add", {
        forcibleerror: true,
        messages: {
            forcibleerror: function () { return errorMessage; }
    var isForced = false;
    if (errorMessage) {
        isForced = true;
    $(element)[0].dataset.isForced = isForced;
$.validator.addMethod("forcibleerror", function (value, element) {
    return $(element)[0].dataset.isForced !== "true";


forceError($('#Slug'), 'my custom message');

To put it back in a valid state:

forceError($('#Slug'), '');

You can also do:

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Slug)

With this function in your code:

function setError(id, message) {
        var span = $("span[data-valmsg-for=\"" + id + "\"]");
        if (span && span.length > 0) {
            if (message && message != "") {
            } else {

Then can set the error

setError("Slug", "errorMsg");