How to call getWindow() outside an Activity in Android?

Pass a reference of the activity when you create the class, and when calling relevant methods and use it.

void someMethodThatUsesActivity(Activity myActivityReference) {
    myActivityReference.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);

You shall not keep references around as suggested in the accepted answer. This works, but may cause memory leaks.

Use this instead from your view:

((Activity) getContext()).getWindow()...

You have a managed reference to your activity in your view, which you can retrieve using getContext(). Cast it to Activity and use any methods from the activity, such as getWindow().

You can use following method to cast current context to activity:

 * Get activity instance from desired context.
public static Activity getActivity(Context context) {
    if (context == null) return null;
    if (context instanceof Activity) return (Activity) context;
    if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) return getActivity(((ContextWrapper)context).getBaseContext());
    return null;

Then you can get window from the activity.


