Manin's algebraic geometry textbook?

Do you mean these:

  • Lectures on algebraic geometry. Part I: Affine schemes (Russian)

  • Lectures in algebraic geometry. Part II: The $K$-functor in algebraic geometry (Russian, English version)

Apparently the second is based on Théorie globale des intersections et théorème de Riemann-Roch SGA 6, Exp. 0.

Here are some djvu scans of the Russian versions:

  • Лекции по алгебраической геометрии. Часть 1. Аффинные схемы,

  • Лекции по алгебраической геометрии. Часть 2. К-функтор в алгебраической геометрии

There now is a book by Manin Introduction to the theory of schemes (Translated from the Russian, edited and with a preface by Dimitry Leites) recently published by Springer based on Manin's lectures on algebraic geometry mentioned in David Roberts' post.

Hope this helps: Manin's lectures on algebraic geometry

Its the first part of Manin's 1966-1968 course (the one Zoran mentioned), chapters 1-26 . It's been scanned just recently.