Make directive @Input required

Official solution

As answered by Ryan Miglavs – smart usage of Angular's selectors solves the issue.

/** Note: requires the [a] attribute to be passed */
  selector: 'my-dir[a]', // <-- use attribute selector along with tag to ensure both tag name and attribute are used to "select" element by Angular in DOM
export class MyComponent {
  @Input() a: number;

Personally I prefer this solution in most cases, as it doesn't require any additional effort during the coding time. However, it has some disadvantages:

  • it's not possible to understand what argument is missing from the error thrown
  • error is confusing itself as it says, that tag isn't recognized by Angular, when just some argument is missing

Both of these negatives can be partially ameliorated by adding a decorative comment above the @Component decorator as seen above, and most editors will show that along with any tooltip information for the component name. It does not help with the Angular error output though.

For alternative solutions – look below, they require some additional codding, but doesn't have disadvantages described above.

So, here is my solution with getters/setters. IMHO, this is quite elegant solution as everything is done in one place and this solution doesn't require OnInit dependency.

Solution #2

  selector: 'my-dir',
  template: '<div></div>',
export class MyComponent {
  get a() {
    throw new Error('Attribute "a" is required');
  set a(value: number) {
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'a', {
      writable: true,
      configurable: true,

Solution #3:

It could be done even easier with decorators. So, you define in your app once decorator like this one:

function Required(target: object, propertyKey: string) {
  Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
    get() {
      throw new Error(`Attribute ${propertyKey} is required`);
    set(value) {
      Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,
    configurable: true

And later in your class you just need to mark your property as required like this:

  selector: 'my-dir',
  template: '<div></div>',
export class MyComponent {
  @Input() @Required a: number;


If attribute a is defined - setter of property a will override itself and value passed to attribute will be used. Otherwise - after component init - first time you want to use property a in your class or template - error will be thrown.

Note: getters/setters works well within Angular's components/services, etc and it's safe to use them like this. But be careful while using this approach with pure classes outside Angular. The problem is how typescript transpiles getters/setters to ES5 - they are assigned to prototype property of the class. In this case we do mutate prototype property which will be the same for all instances of class. Means we can get something like this:

const instance1 = new ClassStub(); = 'some value';
const instance2 = new ClassStub();
console.log(; // 'some value'

Check in ngOnInit() (inputs aren't yet set when the constructor is executed) whether the attribute has a value.

    selector: 'my-dir',
    template: '<div></div>'
export class MyComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
    @Input() a:number; // Make this a required attribute. Throw an exception if it doesnt exist
    @Input() b:number;


    ngOnInit() {

    ngOnChanges(changes) {

    checkRequiredFields(input) {
       if(input === null) {
          throw new Error("Attribute 'a' is required");

You might also check in ngOnChanges(changes) {...} if the values wasn't set to null. See also