Make a (somewhat) self-referential string

C, 64 bytes


Takes a single integer as input on stdin.

JavaScript (ES6), 83 bytes


Yes, that's a nested template string. 79 bytes in ES7:


Jelly, 12 bytes


I/O is in form of digit arrays. Try it online! or verify all test cases.

How it works

VRUmLDUz0ZFU  Main link. Argument: A (digit array)

V             Eval; turn the digits in A into an integer n.
 R            Range; yield [1, ..., n].
  U           Upend; reverse to yield [n, ..., 1].
    L         Yield the length (l) of A.
   m          Modular; keep every l-th integer in A.
     D        Decimal; convert each kept integer into the array of its digits.
      U       Upend; reverse the digits of each integer.
       z0     Zip/transpose with fill value 0.
         Z    Zip again.
              This right-pads all digit arrays with zeroes.
          F   Flatten the resulting 2D array.
           U  Upend/reverse it.