Fraction to exact decimal

Python 2, 174 bytes

while~-(r in L):L+=r,;M+=str(r/b);r=r%b*10

I'm not quite convinced about the validity of this answer, but it's worked for the test cases above and other test cases I've thrown at it. It looks like a right mess though, so I'm sure there's plenty of room for golfing.

The initial setup takes absolute values of both arguments to ensure that we're dealing with nonnegative numbers (saving the sign calculation for later), and delegates the quotient part of the result to Python's arbitrary precision arithmetic. The fractional part is done with the grade-school division algorithm until we get a repeat in the remainder. We then look up when we last saw this repeat in order to get the period, and construct the string accordingly.

Note that the algorithm's actually quite slow due to the O(n) in operation, but it's fast enough for the examples.

Batch, 349 344 bytes

@echo off
if not %r%==0 set i=%i%.&if %r% leq 0 set/ar=-r&if %i%==0 set i=-0.
set d=%d:-=%
if %r%==0 echo %i%&exit/b
if not %g%==1 set/ae/=g&call:d&goto g
set i=%i%(
if %r%==%s% echo %i%)&exit/b
goto r
set i=%i%%n%

Edit: Saved 5 bytes by removing unnecessary characters. "Ungolfed":

@echo off
set /a d = %2
set /a i = %1 / d
set /a r = %1 % d
if not %r%==0 (
    set i=%i%.                  Decimal point is required
    if %r% leq 0 (
        set /a r = -r           Get absolute value of remainder
        if %i%==0 set i=-0.     Fix edge case (-1/3 = 0 remainder -1)
set d = %d:-=%                  Get absolute value of divisor
set /a e = d
if %r%==0 echo %i% & exit /b    Finished if there's no remainder
set /a g = gcd(e, 10)           Loop through nonrecurring decimals
if not %g%==1 (
    set /a e /= g
    call :d
    goto g
set /a s = r                    Save remainder to know when loop ends
set i=%i%(
call :d
if %r%==%s% echo %i%)&exit/b
goto r
:d                              Add the next decimal place
set /a r *= 10
set /a n = r / d
set /a r %= d
set i=%i%%n%

Perl 6,  63 58  50 bytes

{->$a,$b {$a~"($b)"x?$b}(|($^a.FatRat/$^b).base-repeating(10))}
{->\a,$b {a~"($b)"x?$b}(|($^a.FatRat/$^b).base-repeating)}

Test it

If you don't care that it will only work with denominators that fit into a 64 bit integer it can be shortened to just 43 bytes:



  # store in match variable so that we can
  # use 「$0」 and 「$1」
  $/ = (

    # turn the first value into a FatRat so that
    # it will continue to work for all Int inputs
    $^a.FatRat / $^b


  # 「$0」 is short for 「$/[0]」 which is the non-repeating part

  # string concatenated with

  # string repeat once if $1 is truthy (the repeating part)
  # otherwise it will be an empty Str
  "($1)" x ?$1