Lost in the Forest -- Merging after Branching?

Here's my take on the diagram. Rather than use matrix of nodes I've used nodes multipart.

rectangle split,rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=6,align=center,
text width=2cm,
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,very thick,-Stealth]
\node(A) [draw=black!15!green,very thick,fill=green!30,minimum height=1cm,rounded corners] {Full Data Set};
\node(B) [multi,below=1cm of A]{%
\node(C)[circle,draw=purple!70!blue,below=1 cm of B,fill=purple!30] {EFA};
\node(D)[multi,below=1cm of C]{%
\node(E)[diamond,draw=purple!70!blue,below=of D,fill=purple!30,sharp corners={}] {L/R};

\foreach \x in {one,two,three,four,five,six}{
\draw(A.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (B.\x\space north);
\draw(B.\x\space south) -- ++(0,-4.ex) -| (C.north);
\draw(C.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (D.\x\space north);
\draw(D.\x\space south) -- ++(0,-4.ex) -| (E.north);

output of code

This is not a tree. Hence, it is not necessarily wise to choose forest as the means to draw it. Where only slight deviations from a tree are involved, forest can make good sense. But this diagram involves more deviance than non-deviance, so forest isn't the best option.

Nonetheless, if you do wish to use the package to draw a non-tree for some reason, I would certainly try to do it using forest's facilities within a single picture.

I present two solutions. The first uses a matrix of nodes. The second uses forest.


The idea is to draw the yellow boxes using a matrix and then to use the names those nodes get automatically to place the remaining three nodes. Because the matrix's nodes are automatically named in a systematic way, it is then easy to loop through and draw the arrows.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, matrix, shapes.geometric}
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick, >/.tip=Stealth, my node/.style={font=\sffamily, draw,  fill=#1!15, thick}]
  \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, every node/.append style={my node=yellow, minimum height=7ex, anchor=center, text centered, text width=15mm}]
    Middle & Bottom support & Bottom carry & Bottom other & Top & Jungle \\[15ex]
    Middle & Bottom support & Bottom carry & Bottom other & Top & Jungle \\
  } ;
  \node (r) [above=7.5ex of  m-1-3.north east, anchor=center, my node=green] {Full data set};
  \node (e) [above= 7.5ex of m-2-3.north east, anchor=center, my node=red, circle] {EPA};
  \node (t) [below= 7.5ex of m-2-3.south east, anchor=center, my node=red, diamond] {LR};
  \begin{scope}[rounded corners, ->]
    \foreach \i in {1,...,6} {
      \draw (r.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (m-1-\i.north);
      \draw (e.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (m-2-\i.north);
      \draw (m-1-\i.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (e.north); 
      \draw (m-2-\i.south) -- ++(0,-1.5ex) -| (t.north); 

matrix-based non-tree


In this case, the yellow layer is repeated, so it seems a shame not to use forest's facility for copying bits of trees from one place to another. repeat aunts is a style which repeats all of a node's aunts as children of that node. join aunts joins a node to all of its aunts. not a tree just sets the style of the tree: colouring by level and so on. I just didn't know what to call it, so not a tree did.

The upshot is that

  not a tree,
  [Full data set
      [EPA, repeat aunts, join aunts [ [LR, join aunts]]]

produces the following non-tree result

non-tree output

Complete code:

  declare keylist={copy list a}{},
  declare keylist={copy list b}{},
  declare keylist={join list}{},
  not a tree/.style={
    forked edges,
    for tree={
      edge+={thick, rounded corners, -Stealth},
      parent anchor=children,
      child anchor=parent,
      l sep'+=10pt,
      fork sep'+=5pt,
    where level=0{fill=green}{ if={> O_= {!u.n children}{1}} {fill=pink, circle}{fill=yellow}, },
    delay={ where content={}{phantom, before computing xy={tempdima/.min={>O{min y}}{siblings},  l-/.register=tempdima }}{} },
  repeat aunts/.style={
    before typesetting nodes={tempkeylista'=, tempkeylistb'=, for nodewalk={fake=u,siblings}{%append={[, phantom]},
        if={ > OOw+n< {n}{!u.n children}{(##1+1)/2}}{ tempkeylista/.option=name }{ tempkeylistb/.option=name }
      }, copy list a/.register=tempkeylista, copy list b/.register=tempkeylistb, split option={copy list a}{,}{prepend'}, split option={copy list b}{,}{append'} }
  join aunts/.style={
    before drawing tree={
      for nodewalk={fake=u, siblings}{tempkeylista/.option=name},
      join list/.register=tempkeylista,
      tikz+/.process={ OOw2 {join list} {fork sep} { \draw  [thick, rounded corners, Stealth-]\foreach \i in {##1} { (.child anchor) -- ++(0,##2) -| (\i.parent anchor) }; } },
  not a tree,
  [Full data set
      [EPA, repeat aunts, join aunts [,  phantom[LR, join aunts]]]

EDIT: I leave my original answer only to show how much better @cfr's answer is. This is clearly the winner.

ORIGINAL FOREST ANSWER (DON'T USE IT!!!): It is possible to do that using Ulrike Fischer's trick, yet it requires some adjustments since tikzmark's \subnode command is not really designed for that application.

\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} % subnode trick from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/393656/121799
greenbox/.style={fill=green,rounded corners=3pt},
  for tree={
      line width=2pt,
      draw=black, % adds the border to all nodes
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south,
      blur shadow,
      l sep+=12.5pt,
      s sep=0.1cm,
      edge={rounded corners=5pt, -{Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt},
      edge path={
          (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-10pt) -|
          (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
      where level={1}{minimum width=2cm,yellowbox,text width=1.3cm,align=center}{},     
[Full data set,greenbox
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{t2}{support}]
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{t3}{carry}]
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{t4}{other\vphantom{p}}]
  for tree={
      line width=2pt,
      draw=black, % adds the border to all nodes
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south,
      blur shadow,
      l sep+=12.5pt,
      s sep=0.1cm,
      edge={rounded corners=5pt, -{Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt},
      edge path={
          (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-10pt) -|
          (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
      where level={1}{minimum width=2cm,yellowbox}{},       
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{b2}{support}]
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{b3}{carry}]
 [Bottom\\ \subnode{b4}{other\vphantom{p}}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\node[below=3.2cm of EPA,fill=purple!30,diamond,draw,line width=2pt,blur
\foreach \X in {1,...,6}
\draw[{Stealth[length=10pt]}-,line width=1.2pt,rounded corners] ([yshift=6pt]EPA.north) -- ++(0,18pt) -| (t\X.south);
\draw[{Stealth[length=10pt]}-,line width=1.2pt,rounded corners] (LR.north) -- ++(0,18pt) -| (b\X.south);

enter image description here

EDIT: Since all the experts are saying that it might be advantageous not to use forest here, I add a plain TikZ solution. It is certainly less fragile than the forest solution.

\tikzset{yellowbox/.style={fill=yellow,minimum height=0.8cm},
greenbox/.style={fill=green,rounded corners=3pt,minimum height=18pt},
  sibling distance=2cm,
  level distance=2.2cm,
  every node/.style = { 
    align=center,blur shadow,draw,line width=1pt,rounded corners=3pt,
  },edge from parent path=
{(\tikzparentnode.south)  -- ++(0,-14pt) -|  (\tikzchildnode.north)},
edge from parent/.style={draw,-{Stealth[length=10pt]},line width=1.2pt,rounded corners}]
\node[greenbox] (fds) {Full data set}
  child { 
         node[yellowbox] {Middle}   
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ support}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ carry}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ other}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Top}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Jungle}
\node[below=3.6cm of fds,purplecirc] (EPA) {EPA}
  child { 
         node[yellowbox] {Middle}   
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ support}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ carry}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Bottom\\ other}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Top}
  child {
         node[yellowbox] {Jungle}
\node[below=3.6cm of EPA,fill=purple!30,diamond](LR){LR};       
\foreach \X in {1,...,6}
\draw[{Stealth[length=10pt]}-,line width=1.2pt,rounded corners] (EPA.north) --
++(0,16pt) -| (fds-\X.south);
\draw[{Stealth[length=10pt]}-,line width=1.2pt,rounded corners] (LR.north) --
++(0,16pt) -| (EPA-\X.south);

enter image description here