How to draw a table 2*1+3*1 in `tabular`:

Use nested tabulars:


\begin{tabular}{|@{} l @{}|@{} c @{}|}\hline
  \begin{tabular}{ l }
    some text in the left\\\cline{1-1}
    some more text in the left column\\
  \begin{tabular}{ l }
    some text in the left\\\hline
    some text in the left\\\hline
    some more text in the left column


enter image description here

or with

\begin{tabular}{|@{} c @{}|@{} c @{}|}\hline
    \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.8}%    <====
    \begin{tabular}{ l }

enter image description here

An alternative to tabular...stacked \frameboxes.


enter image description here

With text:

\framebox(100,30){left top}
\framebox(100,30){left bottom}}%
\framebox(100,20){right top}
\framebox(100,20){right center}
\framebox(100,20){right bottom}}%

enter image description here

Variable box height. As long as the \framebox heights add to the same number in each column, the top and bottom will be aligned:

\framebox(100,30){left top}
\framebox(100,30){left bottom}}%
\framebox(100,13){right top}
\framebox(100,17){right bottom}}%

enter image description here

You can actually do it the same way as in Word, by merging cells:



\multirow{3}{*}{left 1} & \multirow{2}{*}{right 1} \\
                        &                          \\ \cline{2-2} 
                        & \multirow{2}{*}{right 2} \\ \cline{1-1}
\multirow{3}{*}{left 2} &                          \\ \cline{2-2} 
                        & \multirow{2}{*}{right 3} \\
                        &                          \\ \hline


LaTeX output for code above

