Longest path finding with condition

First step is to normalize the sequences.

seqs = pd.concat([
seqs = seqs.sort_values("cusID", kind="mergesort").reset_index(drop=True)

>>> seqs
   cusID node
0    001    A
1    001    B
2    001    C
3    001    D
4    001    A
5    001    E
6    001    A
7    002    B
8    002    C
9    002    D
10   002    E

Then, using zero_runs we define:

def longest_non_a(seq):
    eqa = seq == "A"
    runs = zero_runs(eqa)
    return (runs[:,1] - runs[:,0]).max()
result = seqs.groupby("cusID")["node"].apply(longest_non_a)

>>> result
001    3
002    4
Name: node, dtype: int64

As this is a graph problem I suggest you use networkx:

import networkx as nx

data = {
    "cusID": ["001", "001", "001", "001", "001", "001", "002", "002", "002"],
    "start": ["A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "E", "B", "C", "D"],
    "end": ["B", "C", "D", "A", "E", "A", "C", "D", "E"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

def longest_path(d):
    # create graph from edge list
    dg = nx.convert_matrix.from_pandas_edgelist(d, source="start", target="end", create_using=nx.DiGraph)

    # remove "A" if exists 
    if "A" in dg.nodes:

    # compute the longest path in the graph
    return len(nx.dag.dag_longest_path(dg))

# group-by and compute the longest path
result = df.groupby("cusID").apply(longest_path).reset_index()



  cusID  0
0   001  3
1   002  4