logd shortcut doesn't work in Intellij with Kotlin

You should create separate templates to make them work correctly.
Here is the step-by-step guide:

Firstly, Copy and paste AndroidLog templates to Kotlin (Just select them and use CMD+C, CMD+V (or Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) Secondly, You have to adjust them manually: 1. logd (and others) Select the logd item and press "Edit variables" enter image description here

Change expression to: kotlinFunctionName() enter image description here

Also, remove ; from the end of the template, as you don't need it in Kotlin.

Now your method name will be shown correctly

  1. logt This one is a bit trickier. Solution 1 TAG = class name.

    • Template text :

    private val TAG = "$className$"

    • Edit variables -> Expression:

    groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", kotlinClassName())

Solution 2 TAG = file name (can be used inside Companion)

  • Template text :

    private const val TAG = "$className$


companion object {
     private const val TAG = "$className$"
  • Edit variables -> Expression:

    groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())

Edit 19.02.19

Also, it might be useful for someone.
In order to avoid creating the TAG variable, you can use the class name as a variable, for instance:

Log.d("BaseActivity", "onCreate: ") 

Where BaseActivity is the class name.

The template will look now as:

android.util.Log.d("$CLASS_NAME$", "$METHOD_NAME$: $content$")

Where CLASS_NAME variable is:

groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())

These are provided in IntelliJ as a Live Template configuration for AndroidLog (found in Preferences -> Editor -> Live Templates), and are applicable specifically to Java code: AndroidLog Live Template config

There isn't anything broken in your configuration, but if you want to make these Live Templates available for Kotlin you will need to add new Live Template for AndroidLog and make them applicable to Kotlin code.


There's an open feature request to have them added as defaults here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-10464