List Prime Numbers

Jelly, 14 11 bytes


Uses Wilson's theorem for the primality test. Try it online!

How it works

‘²R©’!²%®Oḣ     Main link. Input: n

‘               Increment. Yields n + 1.
 ²              Square. Yields (n + 1)².
  R             Range. Yields [1, ..., (n + 1)²].
                This range will always contain max(n,2) or more prime numbers.
   ©            Store the range in the register.
    ’           Decrement. Yields [0, ..., (n + 1)² - 1].
     !          Factorial. Yields [0!, ..., ((n + 1)² - 1)!].
      ²         Square. Yields [0!², ..., ((n + 1)² - 1)!²].
       %®       Mod by the range in the register.
                This yields [0!² % 1, ..., ((n + 1)² - 1)!² % (n + 1)²].
                By Wilson's theorem this gives 1 for primes and 0 for non-primes.
         O      Find the indices of 1's. This yields all prime number in the range.
          ḣ     Keep the first n items.

Java, 116 113 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to @CamilStaps in a regex reduction!

void x(int c){for(int i=2;c>0;i++)if(!new String(new char[i]).matches("(..+?)\\1+")){System.out.println(i);c--;}}

Uses regex to test primality, prints if it is, else, it continues. Call on an instance of your class as .x(10).

Output for x(10):


C, 125 bytes

Most likely I'm not going to win against the Jelly solution haha. Anyway here's my solution in C. It's not commented and it's very compact to reduce the size of the program. 125 bytes.

c,h,i,j;g(n){for(j=2;j*j<=n;j++)if(n%j<1)return 1;return 0;}main(){scanf("%i",&h);for(i=2;c<h;i++)g(i)?:printf("%i ",i,c++);}