What is the frequency of this note?

Japt, 41 37 35 34 bytes

I finally have a chance to put ¾ to good use! :-)

55*2pU¬®-1¾ª"C#D EF G A B"bZ /C} x

Try it online!

How it works

          // Implicit: U = input string, C = 12
U¨    }  // Take U, split into chars, and map each item Z by this function:
-1¾       //  Subtract 1.75 from Z. This produces NaN for non-digits.
ª"..."bZ  //  If the result is falsy (NaN), instead return the index of Z in this string.
          //  C produces 0, D -> 2, E -> 4, F -> 5, G -> 7, A -> 9, B -> 11.
          //  # -> 1, and b -> -1, so we don't need to calculate them separately.
/C        //  Divide the index by 12.
x         // Sum.
2p        // Take 2 to the power of the result.
55*       // Multiply by 55.

Test cases

All the valid test cases come through fine. It's the invalid ones where it gets weird...

input --> output       (program's reasoning)
A0  --> 27.5           (Yep, I can do that for you!)
C4  --> 261.625565...  (Yep, I can do that for you!)
F#3 --> 184.997211...  (Yep, I can do that for you!)
Bb6 --> 1864.6550...   (Yep, I can do that for you!)
A#6 --> 1864.6550...   (Yep, I can do that for you!)
A4  --> 440            (Yep, I can do that for you!)
D9  --> 9397.27257...  (Who says that's too high?)
G0  --> 24.49971...    (I've heard that note before.)
Fb5 --> 659.25511...   (Wait, Fb isn't supposed to be a note?)
E   --> 69.295657...   (I'm gonna guess that the missing octave is 1¾.)
b2  --> 61.735412...   (I assume that b means Cb...)
H#4 --> 261.625565...  (H# is C!)

Pyth, 46 44 43 42 39 35 bytes

*55^2tsm.xsdc-x"C D EF GbA#B"d9 12z

Try it online. Test suite.

The code now uses a similar algorithm to ETHproductions's Japt answer, so credit to him for that.


                                            implicit: z = input
       m                          z         for each character in input:
          sd                                  try parsing as number
        .x                                    if that fails:
               "C D EF GbA#B"                   string "C D EF GbA#B"
              x              d                  find index of character in that
             -                9                 subtract 9
            c                   12              divide by 12
      s                                     sum results
     t                                      decrement
   ^2                                       get the correct power of 2
*55                                         multiply by 55 (frequency of A1)

Old version (42 bytes, 39 w/ packed string)

*55^2+tsezc+-x"C D EF G A B"hz9-}\#z}\bz12


                                         implicit: z = input
                                     GET OFFSET BY NOTE:
              ."…"                       string "C@D@EF@G@A@B" packed
             x    hz                     get index of first char in input
            -       9                    subtract 9
                                     PARSE #/b:
           +          }\#z               add 1 if input contains "#"
                     -    }\bz           subtract 1 if input contains "b"
                                     CONVERT OFFSET TO OCTAVES:
          c                   12         divide by 12
                                     FIND OCTAVE IN INPUT:
        ez                               last char of input
       s                                 convert to number
                                     GET FINAL RESULT:
      t                                  decrement the octave
     +                                   add the octave and the note offset
   ^2                                    get the correct power of 2
*55                                      multiply by 55 (frequency of A1)

Mathematica, 77 bytes



The main idea of this function is to convert the string of note to its relative pitch, and then calculate its frequency.

The method I use is export the sound to midi and import the raw data, but I suspect that there is a more elegant way.

Test cases:

f=%; (* assign the function above to f *)
f["A4"]    (* 440.    *)
f["A5"]    (* 880.    *)
f["C#-1"]  (* 8.66196 *)
f["Fb4"]   (* 329.628 *)
f["E4"]    (* 329.628 *)
f["E"]     (* 329.628 *)