Kotlin extension function access Java private field

First, you need to obtain a Field and enable it can be accessible in Kotlin, for example:

val field = ABC::class.java.getDeclaredField("mPrivateField")

field.isAccessible = true

Then, you can read the field value as Int by Field#getInt from the instance of the declaring class, for example:

val it: ABC = TODO()

val value = field.getInt(it)

Last, your extension method is looks like as below:

private inline fun ABC.testExtFunc():Int {
    return javaClass.getDeclaredField("mPrivateField").let {
        it.isAccessible = true
        val value = it.getInt(this)
        return@let value;

That is not possible by design. Extension functions essentially resolve to static functions with the receiver as its first parameter. Thus, an extension function

fun String.foo() {

compiles to something like:

public static void foo(String $receiver) {

Now it's clear to see you cannot access private member of $receiver, since they're, well, private.

If you really want to access that member, you could do so using reflection, but you'll lose all guarantees.